Paypal Money

Monday 25 May 2009

Anda pengguna Bisnis Online, atau Marketer Online ataupun penggemar PTC sudah tentu tidak asing lagi dengan Acct.Paypal dan tentunya anda wajib memiliki acct Paypal ini sebagai dompet penerima "gajian bulanan" anda. Dan saya yakin anda pasti memiliki $1 didalamnya, disini saya menawarkan satu solusi bisnis baru "beternak dollar" Dengan $1 tersebut kita berharap bisa beranak pinak jika serius menjalani dan menawarkannya. Menurut teorinya kita berpeluang meraih $38,742,048.90. Namun bagi anda yang belum memiliki acct paypal bisa bikin disini. Dari alamat penerima dollar transferan saya atas nama "anak negeri" ...wekz.. apakah ini buatan anak Indonesia juga yah...(garuk garuk kepala)... udah ah..daftar aja di link saya kita tunggu dollarnya sambil berusaha mereferensikan alias memberitahukannya kepada teman teman yang lain.

Saya cantumkan Versi Englishnya yah..

Great Program, Good System, No Risk, No HYIP
100% No Scam Program


As it is getting harder these days to earn an income online, we decided to create this program to enable everyone to earn over the internet from the comfort of their own home and to have the possibility of gaining a source of steady earnings.

We do not offer millions within a week or a complete financial independence. We do believe though, that with people helping people a very nice source of income will be generated. If you put a lot of effort into this, you can reach the goals that you set for yourself.

There is a single life-time membership fee of US $1 ! There are no other hidden fees. This fee enables us to give you 4 very valuable and informative e-books. You need to acquire as many as you can because you are being paid for direct and indirect referrals.

Members earn $0.1 for every direct and indirect referral. This means that you do not only gain money for every person you refer, but you also get paid for the referrals referred by your referrals and then for their referrals and so on, 9 levels deep. The table on the right is an example which demonstrates how your earnings will accumulate.

The example shows that you can make $38,742,048.90 by referring 9 people, but as we do not limit the number of your direct referrals, you may refer as many as you can and therefore earn quite a bit more.

If you refer only 9 people and each of your Direct and indirect referrals also refers 9 people each, your earnings will add up to $38,742,048.90

Paypal Money is forced 9 X 9 matrix, so if your upline has more than 9 referrals, you will got referral (spillover) from your upline. You can also create multiple account at Paypal Money

Don't delay, Sign up TODAY for Just $1!

What makes this system
better than others?

Advanced security
We don't allow any information to be changed after the registration process for security reasons.

Guaranted Earnings
All members will get their $38,742,048.90 by filling their forced matrix. How fast they get their $38,742,048.90 is dependent on how well they advertise their referral link as well as spillover.

Referrer's Spillover
When your referrer has 9 Level 1 referrals and someone signs up using his referral link, then this new member will be assigned under you.

Site's Spillover
When someone joined the program without any referral URL, he will be placed under an active member whose Level 1 referrals is less than 8.

Multiple Accounts
All members can create as many accounts as they like using the same paypal account. The system just requires different usernames and e-mail addresses.

Too many People are spending $10 to $500 in HYIP's
Only to risk it for 150 - 300% returns assuming they will get paid, that will not happen in Paypal Magic.



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